Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Believe in people

Do you think that at your core you are a good, hard working, well intentioned person?
Do you think the same of those around you?

If you answered yes to the first and no to any of the second, why?

I contend that most people want to contribute and they want to do something well. They want to feel good about themselves. I would further contend that most people do not feel good about themselves.

People tell themselves they are not good, can’t do it, won’t get a chance, aren’t significant, etc. etc. etc. Then they go and prove it to themselves everyday, cementing these beliefs in their mind. Wouldn’t it be great if you helped just one person believe in themselves? Truly believe that they were better than they were living, capable of so much more.

Then watch them go out and prove it to themselves everyday, cementing that belief in their mind.


Ever had a bad day? Needed some real perspective? It is rare that I consider any day particularly better or worse that any other, but last night I got what I needed.

After eating dinner we were hanging out in the family room when my 23 month old son (as he often does) came over and said “daddy hold you”. So I picked him up; normally he would want me to toss him on the couch or take him someplace that he can’t reach by himself and he probably shouldn’t be getting into.

But then he said, “daddy?”

“Yes, hunny”, I replied.

“I wuv you daddy”

Now he has “parroted” I love you many times, but that was the first time it was unprompted. Words can not describe…

Believe in yourself...

I know this; you will have good days and bad, easy days and difficult ones. You will encounter people who believe in you and people who do not.

You are the only constant. There is no one who can make you feel a certain way. You are your own insulation to life’s circumstances.

Ask yourself this; does a bad day at work transition into a bad night at home? Vice versa? Do other people’s opinions of you knock you down or prop you up more than your own opinions of yourself?

Know thyself

There can be a million people who don’t believe in you and only one who does, it doesn’t matter. Just so long as the one is you.